1- The game «Pargo’s Treasure» is a completely free of cost game, which will not include any type of advertisement or collect any personal data from the user, (beyond what they want to share publicly on the comments page and the information remembered by cookies) .

2 – All the information displayed in the game has been validated by Official Tourism Guides of the Government of the Canary Islands. This information has been adapted and summarized for the correct development of the game, so it does not aspire to be a historical document with academic quality. It is therefore an informative interpretation of the Amaro’s Pargo Character, to awaken the curiosity and interest of the participants in the history of the character and the heritage of the City of San Cristóbal de La Laguna.

This game does not pretend to make any kind of political, racial or religious argument, and rules out positioning itself in any sense. This is a game for the sole purpose of providing entertainment with additional heritage value.

4 – The organization is not responsible for possible damage that could be done to the natural and cultural heritage, or to the staff or for improper use of this game. Common sense is to walk through designated pedestrian zones.

5 – User commitments: The user accepts and agrees to have adequate behaviour for the development of this game. Among the civic measures to accept we highlight:

a – Walk in areas designated for pedestrians. Walk on sidewalks. Always walk through pedestrian areas and cross through designated crosswalks.

b – Be especially careful with vehicles and other users of public roads. To do this, avoid running, give priority to other road users and be attentive to surrounding situations. Cross through pedestrian crossings and areas enabled for it.

c – Maintain the current anti-COVID protocol at all times. Do not make groups larger than those established by current legislation and wear a mask at all times. Avoid touching the elements.

d – Respect all elements of the game and the natural and cultural heritage of the municipality. Treat all heritage resources that appear in the game with respect and care. Do not litter. Maintain civic conduct at all times.

e – The user accepts that since it is an open game there are a series of risks for which the organization takes no responsibility. For this reason, the organization and its collaborators are not responsible for falls, blows or accidents that may occur during the game. Special care must be taken in areas with road traffic and other elements of the public road.

f – The user who performs the face-to-face game declares to be in adequate physical condition to be able to play the game. It is an itinerary of 2.0 km.

g – Avoid playing this game in bad weather conditions, in poor visibility conditions or at night. Remain visible at all times to other users of the public road, using lights and reflective vest if necessary.

6 – Remember that by playing this game you agree to accept all these terms and conditions, as well as our privacy policy and Cookies.

7 – Thank you very much for playing this game. Hope you like it!
